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Atención médica

Encontrar atención médica virtual

Your Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Montana health care plan may include Virtual Visits, by MD Live or Teladoc. Virtual care lets you get health care from board-certified doctors, pediatricians and therapists 24/7 by video or phone.1  Log in to check if you have virtual care as a benefit.

Una mujer sentada frente a una computadora habla con un médico por videollamada.

Qué esperar

Attending a Virtual Visit

When you need care while away from home or after hours, virtual care can help you address your health care concerns. Virtual Visits with MD Live allow you to connect with a board-certified doctor over the phone or online whenever, wherever.

Virtual Visits may not look like an in-person doctor's appointment. Watch this video to learn:

  • How to set up an MD Live account
  • How to set up a doctor's appointment
  • What to expect during an appointment

To get started setting up your MD Live access, log in to your BCBSMT account.

What Can Virtual Care Help With?

Depending on your plan, MD Live or Teladoc's doctors and therapists can treat many non-emergency issues, like those listed below. Plus, did you know virtual care may cost less than going to an urgent care clinic or the emergency room?

Log in to your account to check which virtual care benefits and services are included in your coverage.

Register or log in to check    

Find virtual options for urgent care like:

  • Alergias
  • Resfriado y gripe
  • COVID-19 
  • Conjuntivitis
  • Sinus Problems
  • Dolor de garganta
  • Y más

Find virtual care for behavioral health support:  

  • Ansiedad
  • Depresión 
  • Duelo
  • Life Changes 
  • Estrés
  • Y más



Find Other In-Network Virtual Care Options

If your plan doesn't cover MD Live Virtual Visits or Teladoc, check if other in-nework doctors offer telehealth appointments. When you search, check "Offers Telehealth" in the search options.


Atención médica

¿Necesita encontrar un tipo diferente de atención médica? Nosotros le protegemos.

Servicios para el cuidado dental

Explore your in-network dental options, from local dentist's offices to teledentistry care.

Buscar un dentista
ícono de médico

General Care

Search in-network options for doctors, hospitals and other health care providers with our Provider Finder tool.

Buscar atención médica de la red

Atención de salud mental

You don't have to go through mental health struggles alone. Search for in-network behavioral health support.

Encontrar atención de salud mental

Atención para el cuidado de la vista

Depending on your vision coverage, you may have in-network options for annual exams, diagnoses and more.

Buscar atención para el cuidado de la vista
Pill icon

Pharmacy Care

Search in-network pharmacies to the get the medications you need.

Encontrar una farmacia

​​​​​​​1 Se necesita conexión a Internet/Wi-Fi para acceder desde una computadora. Se pueden aplicar cargos de datos al usar su tableta o teléfono inteligente. Consulte el plan del proveedor de servicio telefónico para conocer otros detalles.

2 Average times from MD Live

Las consultas virtuales pueden estar limitadas por la cobertura. Para los profesionales médicos con licencia en Nuevo México y el Distrito de Columbia, el servicio de atención médica inmediata​​​​​​​ se limita a videos interactivos en línea; el servicio de salud mental requiere video para la consulta inicial, pero puede usar video o audio para las consultas de seguimiento, según el criterio clínico del profesional de la salud. Los servicios de salud mental no están disponibles en todas las coberturas.

MD Live operates and administers the Virtual Visit program and is solely responsible for its operations and that of its contracted providers. MD Live and the MD Live logo are registered trademarks of MD Live, Inc. and may not be used without written permission.

Blue Cross®, Blue Shield® y los símbolos de la cruz y el escudo son marcas de servicio registradas de Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, una asociación independiente de Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans