Cobertura médica para particulares
Pague su factura
Inicie sesión para pagar o elija otra forma de pagar su factura mensual de Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Montana.

Ways to Pay
Your Online Payment Options
One-Time Guest Payment
Si desea realizar un pago por única vez a BCBSMT de forma rápida y sencilla, visite nuestro portal seguro para asegurados. No es necesario iniciar sesión.
Make a guest paymentFirst Premium Payment
Your BCBSMT coverage won't start until after your first premium payment. Your premium is the monthly cost to keep your coverage active.
Pay your first premiumPago automático de facturas
Automatically schedule your monthly payments, safely and on-time. Inscríbase mediante su cuenta de asegurado. When you sign up for Auto Bill Pay, you'll earn $10 in Blue Points℠ rewards.
Conéctese para inscribirseOffline Payment Options
More Ways to Pay Offline
Pay by mail:
Envíe su cheque o giro postal a:
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Montana
P.O. Box 650774
Dallas, Tx 75265-0774
Siga todas las instrucciones de su factura.
Pay over the phone:
You can make a payment over the phone by calling 1-855-258-8471, available 24/7.
When you call, say "Member" or select 2. Then, say "Make a Payment" to start the payment process.
Pay in-person:
Después de su primera factura, puede pagar a través de MoneyGram®.
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